Civic Education at the Ballot Box
Kids Voting Hawaii is a nonpartisan, grassroots-driven voter education program committed to creating lifelong voting habits in children, increasing family communication about citizenship, and encouraging greater adult voter turnout.
Kids Voting Hawaii (KVHI) is a nonpartisan grassroots organization that promotes citizen participation by providing K-12 students in public, private, charter and home schools the opportunity to experience democracy first hand, by voting online in Hawaii's General Elections.
Since 1996, Kids Voting Hawaii has been providing an age-appropriate curriculum and classroom activities, which align with the Hawaii State Social Studies Standards, and address the 'civic responsibility' and 'civic character' measurements.
Internet technology combines with civics education to inspire our youth to explore candidates and issues, engage in dialogue with their peers and families, develop Hawaii leadership potential, and prepare for a lifetime of voting.
Aug. 1 - Sept. 1
Principal selects a School Level Ambassador (SLA) and sends name & email address to
Sept. 1 - Oct. 21
Throughout September, resources will be shared with SLAs via email, and SLAs will share with teachers. Principal & SLA receive School Password via Kids Voting Hawaii (KVH) email. Instructions will be shared with SLAs via email, and SLAs will share with teachers.
Oct. 15 - Nov. 5
Distribution of Student Passwords for KVH General Election by SLA so that students can start voting!